
37 Tenterden Rd Croydon CR0 6NQ, United Kingdom


TeamCamp is all about fun, learning, and empowering students to lead. Our programme sees international teams of students work together in age specific groups; it includes team challenges, cultural trips, and accredited English tuition.

Our programme includes:

- All activities including tuition, 1-to-1 coaching, and trips to London and York;

- Full board including accommodation and nutritious food for all dietary needs;

- Transfers to and from Heathrow Airport.

Accommodation:  2-6 persons for room;

Meal:  3 meals;

Type:  Academic; Football; Language; Multiadventure; Sport; Teenager;

Language:  English;

Seasons:  Summer season;

Country:  United Kingdom;

Safety:  Private campus 24 / 7 security service;

Price:  from 2450 gbp/2 weeks;

Age:  from 10 -16 ;

Company name:  TeamCamp